then clause

英 [ðen klɔːz] 美 [ðen klɔːz]

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  1. IF/ THEN/ ELSE logic is fertile ground for figuring out how to use WHERE clause predicates so rows can be rejected sooner in DB2's address space.
  2. But then the third clause of the for will kick in, filtering out only those elements that satisfy the criteria of being even.
  3. This statement is then completed by the row specifying the test condition, which is also used to populate the FROM clause and additional the WHERE clause so forming a predicate.
  4. If USER specifies a user ID, then the password must either be supplied following the USING clause, or if it's not specified, then DB2MOVE prompts for the password information.
  5. If the project for some reason is unable to keep estimates current, then the estimation deliverables should include a clause indicating the conditions on which they remain valid.
  6. Then the upsert iterator updates the rows that have joined and inserts the rows that are null extended into target table based on insert clause specification.
  7. You then create the query ( in other words, the where clause) and execute the update.
  8. The table-reference variable is then used for the SQL Select statement FROM clause.
  9. The Doctrine_Pager object then executes the query with the appropriate LIMIT clause and retrieves only the required subset of records.
  10. He said if any Caucasian shouts glory to their country-then he is considered a patriot. But if we shout "Russia for the Russians," we break 282 clause of the criminal code, which forbids incitement of racial hatred.
  11. If we got an if then statement are we asserting an antecedent, an if clause or the consequent, Q the then clause, or are we saying if P then Q.
  12. Then join the two sentences using the Attributive Clause.
  13. And then the improved notions to carry out engineering construction compulsory clause are set forth.
  14. Then, the author illuminates the classification of exemption clause.
  15. When the reporting clause does not appears at the beginning of the sentence, then the clause is regarded as a comment clause, and the direct/ indirect speech as the main clause.
  16. Firstly, it introduces the basic syntactical function of noun of human organs, and then focuses on the types and constraining factors of the phenomenon that noun of human organs omits and appears in a clause.
  17. Then point out that it is much more complex to recognizing the effectiveness of Jurisdiction clause compared to the arbitration clause. Because the lawsuit manifests quasi-judicial.
  18. Then it is found that a large amount of projections do exist in news discourse. The application of projection clause can help news discourses realize their purposes of objectivity and impartiality.
  19. Then English versions of some typical classical Chinese poems are analyzed at levels of clause and text, exploring the approaches and strategies to English translation of classical Chinese poetry.
  20. Then, the article describes how Collection value statistics among the analytic method of interval weight determine the methods of weight, besides fuzzy expansion of having clause in SQL in details.
  21. It is also said that the current "special preferential treatment" of the EU contrary to the requirement of "non-discriminatory"," universal "and" non-reciprocity", then, the differential treatment violated the provision of the Enabling Clause.
  22. Then, we explain the reasons of conditional clause used front from different angles.
  23. Then, after deeper analysis, the author finds that China Daily uses adverbial clause singularly while The Guardian Weekly uses it more extensively.
  24. Then, by metafunction analysis of fraud SMS, the paper reveals the series of nature of the discourse, like the person, mood, modality, the process type of clause and the cohesion.
  25. Therefore, in the ideological basis, make a list for all variables in this paradigm, then add each clause with variables which it does not originally contain, and make it become k-satisfiability problem that contains n variables.